Planned Giving Can Benefit
the Civic Center Foundation AND the Donor
Planned Giving is a term used to describe the many ways that donations can be
made to charities through an executed document. Often times individuals want to
support a charity, but are unsure of how to do so. Planned gifts allow philanthropists to
benefit through their donations of different types of assets.
Planned giving can:
- Reduce a donor's income tax liability
- Help donors avoid capital gains tax
- Pass assets on to family members at reduced tax cost
- Pass on a larger inheritance to heirs
Bequests often refer to the allotment of property in a person's will.
Bequests of property can include: primary residence, vacation homes, commercial
buildings, farms, rental properties, land, timber and more. Bequeathing property
to the Civic Center Foundation can relieve the donor of the hassle and stress
of selling that property, and it can save the donor from paying closing costs and
commission. The donor can donate property for its full appraisal value, no matter
what the real estate market is like.
Gift Annuities
Gift annuities are a way for a donor to receive a fixed sum of money each
month without paying the income taxes on the full sum. A donor would donate
either cash or property to the Civic Center Foundation and in return the CCF
would pay the donor a fixed amount of money from that donation yearly for the
remainder of the donor's life or the donor's spouse's life.
Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust is a type of trust into which a donor can put assets
for a specific number of years. During those years, the trust would make annual
donations to the Civic Center Foundation. At the end of the term, the trust is
redistributed to the donor's family or other party of their choice. A charitable
lead trust allows the donor to receive a large deduction on estate or gift taxes
that would normally come into play when passing on an inheritance.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust is the opposite of a charitable lead trust.
With a charitable remainder trust a donor would create a trust that pays the donor
from its earnings during the lifetime of the donor and their spouse. At the end
of the donor's lifetime, the residual funds in the trust would be distributed to the
Civic Center Foundation.
Pooled Income Funds
A pooled income fund is a fund into which multiple donors place their money.
The fund is then invested and the donors share the profits that are generated
from that investment for the remainder of their lives.
Nontraditional Assets
Nontraditional assests are often the easiest way to make charitable donations.
Some nontraditional assets that donors often don't think about are IRAs,
stocks & securities and life insurance. Donors can also make a contribution through
their wills.
Retained Life Estates
With a retained life estate, you can donate property (e.g. your home
or farm) to the Civic Center Foundation, but retain the right to use the property
for your benefit for as long as you live.
If you are considering planned giving, contact your financial advisor to learn
how such a donation can be benefical to you.
Emporia-Greensville Civic Center Foundation
520 S. Main Street - P.O. Box 268
Emporia, VA 23847
Email the CCF Secretary
© 2024 Civic Center Foundation